Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Update morning alarm

From: 05:25 "Good morning!  No excuse against waking up }:)"
To: 05:20 "Good morning!  What is your *secret* today?"

Monday, November 29, 2010

Transfer contacts from Nokia to iPhone

Googling and found 2 methods: Outlook Express, Yahoo.

So I first synchronized N73 >> Outlook Express >> iTunes.  Then switch within iTunes from Outlook Express to Yahoo because I used to copied contacts from Outlook to Yahoo in the past: i.e., to consolidate all to Yahoo.

However, just noticed later not all contacts in Yahoo were not synchronized to iTunes!  Spending time last evening

  • Mostly because defective contacts (Yahoo) had too few information.  I tried to assumed that at least there must be [1] first & [2] last names, and [3] phone# of mobile type (many of them were type “Other”).  But however it was no longer true when I fixed records until ‘K’.
  • Until it became failed (no more synchronizing) around ‘K’ and I repeated a few more times, iTunes prompted (due to >25% changing) that there were additional ~300 contacts to be added.  I was no hesitate to accept }:)


Still questioning

Had Yahoo data been synchronized properly with Outlook Express when I switched iTunes from Outlook Express to Yahoo?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Win7 Backup error!?

"Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes. Error:(The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002))"

Searching discussion in Internet, some refer to review HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
But I think a suggested workaround is quite simple and more effective: create subfolder "Themes" that it want to find.

  • http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7performance/thread/dd6cbf98-2fb3-4ca8-9ba3-c6a7e33a1d5d
  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itprogeneral/thread/bff71aac-c78e-42bd-a959-116019c93478

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feedback to GMail unthread-view option

(Optional) What, if anything, do you find frustrating or unappealing about unthreaded view in Gmail?
Ans: Inbox overflow/flooding. And many of mails are just because users want to *chat* and carelessly accumulate the mail history.

In my opinion: Users who prefer unthreaded view are ones who don't think to learn to handle mails more efficiently. Do they request same in Facebook?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

TOT ADSL setting

VPI = 1
VCI = 32
Connection type = PPPoE LLC

Tel: 1100
บางกรวย = 02-4466666 ~6172, 4221548..9

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tagging: singular or plural?

Try renaming some tags to singular form.
- We started learning English from singular before plural.
- Uncountable nount and adjective are singular.
- Each post usually means singular (the post "is a" ...), in spite that we think of plural when find things.

However, it's never perfect. I'm still relunctant with GMail labels such as forums, markets, people talks.

Also see:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Importance field in shared worksheet

I'd rather use 'i?' instead of '!?'

Important? (not equal urgent which is rather determined from 'Since' and 'Due' dates)
Value = A, B, C; +/- suffix can be optional.

This is derived from 7Habits concept. However, it looks not practical in sharing. Generally, people are familiar with priority to which urgency still dominates.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rename label "void!"

Recently I defined this label in GMail to substitute LN miss/incomplete folder. Now change to "0!" (zero).

Monday, April 5, 2010

My bulleting

How I mark bullets in planner/lecture books.  "When type" is nothing by this time.  I try to match to appropriate-looking characters on keyboard -- just in case.

When typeWhen writeUse for
_[_] squareto-do entry: needs later checking for progress/completion.
=/\ normal trianglemilestone, scheduled-ahead event: may need checking
+\/ revert triangleincident, interruption
-> right-arrow trianglenormal entry: doesn't need later reviewing.

Progress marking for to-do & milestone entries:
  • . (dot) = Started: put at lower-left corner so that it can be / or X later.
  • / = Done
  • X = Aborted, canceled.  Also compare with '0' (zero).
  • - (dash) = Skipped: neither action nor decision yet.
  • \ = Moved to another tracking system
  • ^ (north-east arrow when write) = Forwarded/postponed: same system (such as another page)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Change Twitter's bio (public account)

From: "A frontier cat learns public/social-shareable writing".
One reason is that I start connecting more professionals (outside) and colleagues (company inside).

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Solutions to log chat history

Reason: Although Y!Messenger provides option to save chat history, it saves in local machine: i.e., we don't get chat messages received while being with office PC when open home PC at night.
(I no experience with recent Live Messenger)

a) If a message is short, tweet direct message.
b) If Twitter is insufficient (length limit), post to a personal blog.

Friday, February 19, 2010

GMail search: Stars elsewhere

is:starred -in:inbox
I set this as one pane of multiple-inboxes. Later I feel that it is not truly practical: I'd rather check them from "Starred" tab no matter they are still in Inbox or not.

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