Friday, December 18, 2009

My top feature requests to Google GMail/GCal

Re: Rosemary, "Google Pilot: Survey on Top 10 Feature Requests" >>
  • Remove calendar invitation from the Inbox once it is added to calendar
  • Ability to see size of an email
  • Ability to add email addresses, which are not in the My Contacts list, to a group manually
  • Ability to request a return receipt when a recipient has opened your email
  • Setting a priority on an email that is sent out
  • Selecting and forwarding more than 1 email at a time
  • Ability to delete an attachment from an email or conversation thread while leaving the rest of the email(s) intact
  • Access to the global directory/shared contacts in order to change phone numbers or other personal information
  • Ability to send a chat to a group of people
  • Better use of space on right side of email window by moving menu options (New window, Print all, etc.)
  • Rich text editing capability for calendar entry 
Ending comment
Header part would be better optimised:-
- Unnecessarily lengthened: "Firstname Lastname <>" -- any Labs' tweak to display shortname/nickname?
- [show details] would be icon button to save space.
- Or better 2 lines to cover necessary brief.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nokia contact-group naming

Previously I used '#' prefix so that groups are placed at beginning of contacts list. Now (6710 Navigator) system skips all symbolic characters except currency signs.

Last try: ":_(!?*@~^+.|/% test"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mobile notes revision history

prepare (next/pending)
8/15'09 Change from [today2] (Not today-tomorrow requirement) >> online systems

money clearing
Also see:

(across all activity domains)
Instruction: Review together with front sheet in organizer book and target to move to planner book. Do not retain here too long.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My new external harddisc

Hitachi SimpleDRIVE Mini 320GB

Revise my harddiscs usage
  • Use the new Hitachi HDD to do backup job.  It has ArcSoft's TotalMedia Backup software bundled.
  • ...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Problems synchronising Ovi

Available contact fields on Ovi






  1. There is no 2nd work/home telephone fields.
  2. Cannot handle Thai message: job title, note.  Thai characters are kept in Ovi.  But they becomes "???" in Outlook when synchronised (through PC Suite 7.1.26).
  3. Note's text can be truncated to only first line.
  4. 'Work mobile' in Ovi can become 'Car telephone' in Outlook.

So, by this time, do NOT synchronise Ovi back to phone yet.  Keeping for data backup would be OK.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My hashtags

  • SOM = same-old/so-often/still-ongoing mistake(s)/mistaking/misunderstanding -- complementary to FAQ
  • FFA = frequently-forgotten answer(s) -- complementary to FAQ
  • down = system-down incident
  • mailed = already (e)mailed.  Same idea as Yammer's #joined.

    Sunday, October 25, 2009

    My Nokia: 6710 Navigator

    Alternative journaling:

    Setting up!

    Standby display




    Left selection
    Menu already has dedicated button.
    Right selection
    Voice recorder
    Contacts is not really needed, Menu-2 is sufficient.
    Shortcut 1
    Old unit's command was Menu-4 but this one is deeper: Menu-#(Applications)-2(Clock).  However, new clock can have several alarms so that it needn't be set daily.
    Shortcut 2
    Active notes
    Profile selection is available when press Off button.
    Shortcut 3
    Camera: just press-hold shutter button already handy.
    Gallery: Now it is deeper than Menu-5 and there's no media button in this model.  Also, it is preferred than just Music player only.
    Shortcut 4
    Map button already exists.  Quickoffice now can substitute File Manager.

    Shortcut 5
    Messaging: Being in 1st-level menu is sufficient.
    Shortcut 6
    Music player
    Connection manager
    Connection manager is necessary to review and sometime to force disconnecting.  Its original location is deep.

    Other candidates for shortcut keys
    • File manager: try using Quickoffice instead.
    • Dictionary, Converter: not use much so far.
    • Internet -- Opera or Google: too risky to online-connecting by accident.

    Original/factory-default menu


    Oct.31; AIS>  Check AIS for any special offers
    Promotion = ส่วนลดค่าโทร
    • E52: 11000 900-1200
    • E75: 15790 1500-1800
    • 6710 Nav = 13370; 50-100/month x 12
    Available POSs (point of sale) are: AIS shop, Serenade club, Telewiz

    Case size compatible?
    • 6710: 105 x 51 x 15
    • 7210: 106 x 45 x 18
    • 6680: 109 x 56 x 22
    • N71: 98 x 51 x 23
    • N72: 109 x 53 x 22

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    Financial accounting codes

    • BBB = bank name
    • t = type
    • NNN = additional names such as branch, programme

    Bank-account types
    • - = savings (dash denotes general/default type)
    • % = fixed deposit
    • $ = special savings

    Monday, October 5, 2009

    My Gmail SuperStars

    1. yellow-star:  Normal, default -- it is Gmail native flag.
    2. green-check:  What has been done, replied, responded. Normally when a topic is routine, scheduled, or followed up.
      • Another implication is to indicate mail which I expect for replying, and when it comes back then it's my turn to review: i.e., this icon indicates "what I'm waiting for" -- mail that needs reviewing (and may even expect my next action!).
    3. blue-info:  Specific information -- require some further attention/action.
    4. purple-question:  Need further discussion, finding-out.
    5. orange-guillemet:  To delegate/assign to someone else.
    6. red-bang: ATTENTION, IMPORTANT
    Associated implication (normally in multiple inboxes or quick links)
    • 'Reports & info' = OR has:green-check OR has:blue-info
    • 'Reports? (inbox)' = in:inbox subject:(report OR status) OR has:green-check
    • ...

    Others that I don't use
    • Other stars (red, orange, green, blue, purple): Let be simple, one star is enough. These colours are also redundant with others.
    • yellow-bang: default star is already yellow.

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    My mail tags/folders

    9/23) = friend friend = friend's friend: friend of friend.
    For social-networking catagorisation.

    9/25) Review of operation/management
    Others in consideration
    - MOR, MORe: management/operation review
    - MM: management memo

    run (.run)
    10/1) From classic computing term. This is because using "done/end" is not practical in Gmail: an already done/end mail can be later replied and then returned to Inbox (and not done/end yet) again. Note that "run" is also the past-participle of same "run": i.e., no matter it is returned/restarted, it was run anyway :)

    Wednesday, September 16, 2009

    New external harddrive specs

    • External, 2.5": i.e., no power-supply required
    • Capacity: 500GB up, probably 1TB.
    • Speed: transfer rate, RPM.
    • USB 2.x (and more such as FireWire?)
    • Packaging: พกพาสะดวก
    • Good warranty: period, convenience.  How about technical support?
    • Preferably non-Seagate but also need good reason(s).
    • Bundled application(s)?

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    My web-browser bookmark list

    จดไว้กันลืม  โดยเฉพาะเวลา Xmarks ทำรวน

    • #main, #office
    • usr, grp, prg, org, sys
    • ----
    • Firefox: Get Bookmark Add-ons, Recently Bookmarked, Recent Tags
    • my customisation: main set ($#)
    • Plug-ins' addition: Read It Later, StumbleUpon, Diigo-Bookmarks
    • ----
    • Firefox: (customised/consolidated) Firefox.1st
    • Search
    • Microsoft: Microsoft Websites, MSN Websites, Windows Live
    • Pocket-PC/Windows-Mobile: Mobile Favorites
    • ----
    • etc, tmp
    • ...

    Friday, September 11, 2009

    IT vs security

    Facebook: wall, Yesterday at 6:14pm
    iMAP, FriendFeed, Yammer, survey, PC-Requests ...
    Debica> Yammer?
    Vipas>, company social networking:
    Arjin> P'Vipas, I've closed my account for long, since I receive email from security about confidential information related :)
    Vipas> IMHO, it depends on how we use and manage. If we always looked for absolute security, we threw off cloud computing and never went to any information technology nowadays; then accepted staying suffered every morning for anti-malware updating or even allowed yield dropping to install scanning shield to guarantee best(?) protection.
    Arjin> it :)

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Would we walk on left or right?


    1. ตามการเขียนหนังสือ -- ถ้ามีป้ายหรือประกาศข้างทาง จะอ่านได้สะดวก
    2. ตามระบบจราจร

    1. เวลาอยู่บนทางเท้าข้างถนนจะเห็นรถสวนง่ายกว่า

    1. ควรใช้มือไหนจับราว(บันได)?

    My own tonal marking for Thai names in English

    • ' (single quote) = ไม้เอก
    • ~ (tilde) = ไม้โท
    • ^ (caret) = ไม้ตรี
    • + (plus) = ไม้จัตวา

    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Synchronise Twitter to Facebook

    My opinion is to avoid. I used to try and canceled shortly. It's so flooding and eats space of other people's posts in Facebook -- both our and friends' sides. The tool may be appropriate for one who has nothing else to post in Facebook.

    Friday, August 14, 2009

    UAC is turned back on!

    My office PC gets UAC turned back on more often recently (not always). Probably, corporate is working some system polices and trig it.

    From PkP's finding:,guid,4129667e-da9a-4118-9040-669d37a1ba88.aspx

    Tuesday, August 4, 2009

    TOT ADSL down last weekend

    /* drafting */
    1) TOT: >> D-Link
    2) D-Link: >> Singapore, ...
    3) TOT: ...

    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    GMail labels

    Facts found
    1. Symbol characters can be used except caret (^).
    2. ?(to verify)? Cannot prefix label with slash (/), dash (-).
    3. System can look up word after blank, period (.) and comma (,): i.e., can look for ".abcde" or "grp: abcde" when type "ab".

    My tactical labels

    _my team: i.e., "under-line"
    &+my (selected) peer coworkers and higher.
    ...2"... too": i.e., also or secondary.
    fyi2/fwd2FYI too / Forward too, or "for your information to forward too".
    Actually it is "Euro-currency sign", but I'd rather use it for "calendar/event".
    %my colleagues (we have some mutual benefits)
    *%highlights and/or measurement (somewhat beyond just ".report")

    Other label names
    • delete2
    • report2, notify2
    • OoO/away (out of office)

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009

    Photo sharing among social networks

    Where Inside sharing Outside sharing Download Upload

    Facebook Selectable
    Public link No
    Hi5 Selectable
    Emailing No

    Thursday, April 9, 2009

    Where do I find web bookmarks?

    (for memory reminder)
    FriendFeed: especially those shared with particular groups.
    Other social bookmarking: Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon
    Web browser's local

    Monday, March 30, 2009

    SequoiaView colour-setting list

    images: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, tif, pcx
    movies: avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, wmv
    sound: wav, mp3, vqf, wma, mid
    graphic: wmf, emf

    / execute: exe. com, dll
    / compress/install: zip, cab, msi

    / document: pdf, mht
    / MS-Office: xls, xlt, doc, dot, ppt, pps, mdb, pst

    etc: asf

    Monday, March 9, 2009

    Twitter vs FriendFeed

    - Remote posting = gadgets: e.g., BeTwittered
    - Can mark star.

    - Remote posting = Google Talk (

    Monday, March 2, 2009

    How to arrange media/AV folders?

    Current names: media.av, media.lib, memory.lib, copy.etc\...

    1. Internal: personal/family documents such as scanned images.
    2. Albums: photos, videos
    3. Studio/lab: imported from AV devices such as PVR.
    4. Collection: music, VDO clips (from outside)
    5. Stationery/library: avatar images, grabbed images from people & etc.
    6. Miscellaneous clippings: e.g., screen capturing

    1. ownership
    2. privacy, sharing
    3. portability, synchronisation
    4. backing-up & archiving

    Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Appropriate threat-alert form

    In awareness of excerpting when a post is fed to other pages. Common-necessary information would be placed at beginning.
    1. Identification: name, type, risk assessment, (re)solution
    2. Situation/status: impact, preventive/proactive actions, passive action/progress
    3. More details: characteristic, resolution (corrective action)
    4. Other references


    Subject: use term "Threat-alert" to be common among virus, security threat, spyware, etc. Then follow by threat's common name.

    Labels/tags: attention, computer-security

    1. Name: threat's full/official name
    2. Type: from which we can determine the threat's major characteristic
    3. Severity: how much disaster the threat can do.
    4. Spreading: how fast/wide can the threat do outbreak.
    5. Difficulty: how long/difficult to remove the threat infection. Note that some case, repairing may not be difficult anymore but still takes long time.
    6. Protection: what are required to protect our systems against the threat.

    1. Impact: when, where, and how many that infection is found.
    2. Protection deployment status, or any preventive workaround and progress.
    3. Passive action/progress: for ones already got attacked.

    More details
    1. Infection, risk condition: what kinds of system, process, characteristic that are risky to be attacked.
    2. Symptom: what can we notice when attacked?
    3. Resolution, correction: how to remove the threat after attack?

    Comparing risk-assessment attributes with FMEA
    1. Severity: same
    2. Occurrence: not really concerned in operation. We'd rather review current/known impact of each time.
    3. Detect risk: can be determined from "protection": i.e., it is high when protection is not available yet, and it is low when protection is effecient and successfully installed.

    NAI/McAfee has a good attribute list -- where?

    If quantifiable, risk assessment can be plotted as bubble chart:
    • x = difficulty
    • y = severity
    • z = spreading


    Service, Support

    Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    iGoogle gadget: My Google Groups

    I rather cancel it. Its setting: sort by 'New messages', seems not work as expected -- still list groups alphabatically with 4-line room. So it does not help notifying me new updates from the method I click 'Groups' link at the top of iGoogle page.

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    Revise my workbooks

    ** This does not mean to change from an old method forever. Any method can be revised, and can be returned -- depending on situation of each time period. **

    • ลองเลิกใช้ lecture book (สมุดจดริมลวด wire-bound). Consolidate into Organizer + clipboard. คิดว่าเก็บสมุดจดนี้ไว้เวลาติดตัวไป lecture ที่ไหน แล้วมาฉีกแยกเก็บทีหลัง (เหมือนสมุด lecture ฉีกแบบสันกาว แต่แบบริมลวดจะกะทัดรัดกว่า)
    • Organizer book: to-do (unscheduled), collecting/archiving แยกเป็นหมวดหมู่. ทดลองเอาส่วน diary มาใช้ดูว่าเป็นไงมั่ง (needn't be stuck with design template)
    • Clipboard: drawing, miscellaneous-temporary journaling.
    • Planner book: to-do schedule, work planning.

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Would we leave another (back/left) page of paper?


    Yes, we would
    1. เอาไว้ทด, ร่าง, drawing
    2. (From K.พรทิพย์) เว้นหน้าซ้ายในสมุดเอาไว้เติม-แทรกเวลาตกหล่น
    3. เผื่อกรณีทำ clipping จะได้ตัดไปแปะที่อื่นได้ ไม่ติดเรื่องหน้าหลัง.

    No, we would not
    1. เปลือง, เสียดาย
    2. ที่จะเผื่อไว้น่ะ ไม่เห็นจะได้ใช้ซักเท่าไหร่เลย

    Tuesday, February 3, 2009

    Should I uninstall ClipMarks?

    - Need to create account
    - I've already had FastStone Capture.
    - Maybe EverNote can do same, or as complement to FScapture.

    2/20'09> เก็บไว้ก่อน ไม่เกะกะสักเท่าไหร่ เผื่อตอนอยากใช้จะได้ไม่ต้องตามค้นมาลงใหม่

    Sunday, February 1, 2009

    Publication drafting

    ** pre-blogging, farm **
    1. GoogleDocs(doc): can be offline.
    2. Windows also has blog editor tool.
    3. Mailbox draft folder -- as general-purpose memopad.

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Official blog publication

    • about company: profile, performance
    • corporate communication
    • own articles of R&D (research & development), analysis, discovery
    • ผลงานเผยแพร่ -- treat this blog like company's magazine: some labels(tags) imply article columns.
    • business (market, industry) or technical
    • During this time of writing, this site appears to contain only technical articles because it is only myself's part.
    • social & educational: neither business nor technical
    • social knowledge collection (community-driven, not our own information)

    Also consider ...
    1. News (clipping): maybe applicable to any blog.
    2. ...

    Thursday, January 15, 2009

    Upgrade SpeedNavi to SQ & 2009

    Dec'08 end) Download files: connection reset เป็นระยะๆ แต่ถ้าเป็น IE, click download ใหม่มันจะต่อให้ (อย่าไป refresh web page นะ). GIS Data seemed to close that nobody picked up calls.
    1/5'09) To wait a few days for "free-up".
    1/14) ต้อง download map data ใหม่ของปีนี้ เพราะ installation codes เป็นของปี 2009.

    กลับมาจาก press dinner ค่อยๆ download แล้ว copy ไปลง Pocket-PC storage card กว่าจะเสร็จก็ตีหนึ่ง.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2009

    Look for new personal MFC printer

    Why do I want to replace the old printer?
    - Lack of maintenance functionality via Windows Vista.
    - Some problem when print report in Thai. สระบน-ล่างจะเปื้อนๆ
    - อยากได้ wireless-printing support: WLAN, (optional) Bluetooth
    - To consolidate with facsimile.

    What are my concerns?
    - Ink: ลองดูแล้วรุ่นที่เป็นหมึกแยกสีก็อาจจะไม่ประหยัดลง
    - ยังคงต้องระวังให้มีการ exercise printing อยู่เสมอ ถึงแม้ว่าจะเป็น fax standby ก็ตาม
    - พอเป็น fax standby แล้วอาจกินไฟมากขึ้น

    Power consumption (watts)
    Compare with thermal fax at home: standby 5, transmit 15, receive 35, copy 40, max 100
    Model Off StandBy Ready Max
    HP J4680 0.4 2.8 3 17
    HP J6310

    HP J6480 1.2 7.5 8 40
    HP J6500 0.6 5.6 - 6.7 22 50

    Nokia N80

    Why I bought
    1. WiFi support
    2. รุ่นนี้ออกมาปีนึงแล้ว (ตอนที่ซื้อ) >> still look good, price has been down.
    3. Keypad size OK (ปุ่มใหญ่ กดง่าย)
    4. ลองใช้ Symbian ดูมั่ง
    5. Data cable is compatible to existing others in family.
    What's more in using?
    1. ช่องลำโพง ใช้นิ้วปิดช่องให้เงียบได้สะดวกดี
    2. Lifeblog, Wellness Diary
    Why I want to change
    1. Symbian ไม่มี stopwatch/timer application; อัดเสียงได้ครั้งละไม่เกิน 1 นาที/clip; กำหนด ringtone by group ได้ไม่เนียนเหมือน S40.
    2. Slide มันไม่ค่อยแน่น มียอบแยบบ้าง (เทียบกับ 6270 ตัวก่อน)
    3. Camera's macro switch มันโดนเกี่ยวง่ายมาก
    4. รุ่นใหม่ๆ WiFi จะรับสัญญาณดีขึ้นไหมหนอ?
    5. อยากได้ A-GPS
    6. สนใจ motion sensor (auto-rotate feature)
    7. Can camera be better?: e.g., lens (distort น้อยลง?), 5mpx up, xenon flash
    8. Messaging interface: Inbox does not show date/time (to choose "message details"). Delivery report is separated from Inbox but however the folder keeps only 20 reports.
    Requirement review
    1. PC sychronisation: with MS-Outlook, content capacity (especially the notes). Must it be only Nokia? How about others nowadays?
    2. Can read PDF and MS-Office documents. Write-ability is not really a must.
    3. News/RSS: Don't care much as long as can use Freerange and Mobipocket Reader.

    Hello world

    Cat-able = แมว-ก็ได้ }:)
    Use this as my individual-to-public posting.

    นั่งเช็คชื่อเป็นชั่วโมง นึกว่าจะง่ายกลายเป็นว่ามีคนอื่นเอาไปหมดแล้ว
    Create G.spreadsheet "names" ไว้รวบรวมชื่อทั้งที่ของตัวเองจดได้ กับที่มีคนอื่นเอาไปแล้ว เดิมทำไว้ใน excel ที่ไหนสักแห่ง -- ไว้จะเอามาใส่รวมกัน.

    Why not ...
    • Facebook, Multiply, WordPress, or even G.Docs(drafting): Blogger มี tool ดีกว่า โดยเฉพาะ gadget ใน iGoogle
    • Twitter: ไม่กะเขียนสั้นๆ เอาเป็นบทความเลย. นึกได้ก็ create post ก็มาเป็น topic ไว้เลย แล้วก็อาจจะกลับมา update ทีหลัง.
    • Other existing blogs: this blog is my own opinion and shareable to public. (Really matter?)

    How about name "HandyCat"?